
Online dating may be scary and a bit unnerving at first, but there are a lot of benefits and perks that LDS members can gain from using an LDS dating website. From finding a bigger pool of those you can date, to making friends, to finding old mission companions, the possibilities are endless. So if you're skittish about getting on the online dating train here are a few of the benefits to help make the idea of dating online not so daunting and maybe even a little fun.

  • Location, Location, Location. This seems to be the catch phrase for everything, including dating. Many LDS members live in areas that have very few single members of the church. Not every town has a YSA or singles ward and even more discouraging to the single LDS church member is that you may be one of very few in your town. LDS dating websites can help your problem. You can find thousands of single LDS members with the same basic values and beliefs on these websites.
  • Online dating can be useful if you are discouraged with the selection in your ward. Why limit yourself to just your ward or stake$%: If you've taken every effort to get to know those in your circle of influence (or even if you haven't), then LDS websites may be the ticket to get you motivated again and date those you might be interested in.
  • Needless to say, LDS dating websites have multiplied in the last few years and there are numerous sites to choose from. There are thousands of single LDS members on these sites with many different qualities, backgrounds, traits and interests. It's not hard to find that special someone who may pique your interest with so many eligible dates to choose from.
  • One of the best advantages of online dating is the ability to "screen" before you meet someone. Browsing through profiles and being able to find out a little about potential dates makes the "weeding out" process a bit more manageable and time and effort efficient. And let's be honest, a picture for a potential blind date is always useful, even if more times than not, the person may look nothing like their pictures. At least you can get somewhat of an idea of what you are getting yourself into.
  • If you just happen to be one of those self-proclaimed "shy" people, online dating can be a huge benefit for you. No initial face to face communication, which as you may already know (since you are "shy"), can be the scariest of endeavors. Emailing a person you may have an interest in is much, much easier than trying to think of something amazing to say when they are standing only a foot away from you and you are looking into their dangerously alluring eyes.
  • If you are new to an area, meeting friends can be hard and sometimes discouraging. No one likes to be lonely and LDS dating websites can be a great cure for homesickness. Not only can you meet people to date, but it's a great way to make friends in your new town or even across the globe.
  • LDS singles websites don't have to be used just for dating. If you want to find an old roommate or mission companion, these sites can be extremely helpful finding those you've lost contact with.

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